December 21, 2017

In The Christmas Spirit

In The Christmas Spirit

December for me is always one of the most special times of the year. I love Christmas completely and always have since I was a child, blessed to grow up in a loving working class family home. The memories of my mother and father getting into the full swing of preparations are as clear as ever and those traditions are still upheld every year including the newer members of the family.

Traditions and Memories

My father arrived one day proudly holding a metal food mincer with carefully saved Green Shield stamps to make the mincemeat for copious amounts of sweet pies, and two very large old fashioned sweet jars that were filled with pickled onions and vinegar and then tucked away from impatient childhood fingers and mouths until the day itself.

Christmas puddings are still made under the guidance of my mother which is an annual event for the family. Each family member has a task, something to bring to the large bowl on the kitchen table and then each  stirs and makes a wish before the mixture is spooned into portions for the steamer. Pungent aromas of tangerines, walnuts and brazil nuts still transport me back to a time when my father would turn on his favourite  programmes on the black and white TV and munch his way through the Christmas supply, his large hands squeezing the nutcrackers while we children would duck down to avoid the flying debris!

Early December is also the month of my father’s birthday and only after then would the garlands and trees go up in the house to the sound of Perry Como’s Christmas album on the record player and sherry for the adults. Another tradition we still hold close.

These beautiful memories are gifts from the past to warm the present, especially at this time of the year when Christmas can be a time of magic and wonder but also sadness for those who are physically without those they love, and especially if it is the first or recent one.

The Spirit of Christmas

Loved ones in Spirit are aware of the time of the year and will have their own memories too.

It is a time when they draw especially close to be with those they love, knowing that their presence is needed and which can often be felt. There may be ‘coincidences’ that are never coincidence, songs on the radio that have words of comfort when needed the most, a photograph of the loved one which may have moved without being touched, smells that are not physically present but relevant to those who have passed.

These are all gifts of love from Spirit which may go unnoticed in the busy-ness of the festive season but can be enough to greatly ease the pain of missing someone if they are received and acknowledged.

I do believe that sometimes it is easier for Spirit to be close to those they love than for the loved one in the physical world to feel them, but they will be there out of the pure emotion of love and will do everything possible to  make that known.

Celebrating the life of loved ones, especially at this time of the year can help to bring a sense of poignant joy through the conversations and memories of special times together  and can be the bridge between two worlds running parallel on a different vibration where Spirit are all around us, and not in some far and distant land where they are separate from us.

My father passed to Spirit almost thirty years ago and there are others now who are with him who we love and physically miss, but the smell of cigars and Brut aftershave will always be with me when I think of him, especially at this time of the year…..and I am always looking out for low flying nutshells.

Just a Thought Away

If you are missing someone this Christmas reach out with your words and thoughts and they will be heard. Let the memories make you smile and give thanks for those who have shared your life and who have gone on ahead temporarily but can still remain close and loving with their energy.

Wherever you are and however you are spending Christmas I wish you a loving and peaceful time , remembering that those you love in Spirit are only ever a thought away.

Merry Christmas,

Love Donna Xx

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  1. A very nice and so true for me blog, almost the same for me Donna, mum putting up the Christmas tree & decorations, dad hiding our toys & things we had asked for during the new year, also getting things we did not think would be given! I remember wanting a Jonny Severn play gun, but mum always said it was yo expensive ! But the following year there it was, I was such a happy boy then!
    We wish you and you team, Murreen and the rest of your family a very merry Christmas and a fantastic & successful new year , God bless, L & L, xxxxxx.

    P & P.

    1. Hi P & P, Thank you for sharing your lovely memories here and all of those anticipations of Christmas – All character building stuff for a young boy!

      Wishing you all a wonderful 2018 filled with love, laughter and happiness,

      Love from Donna, Maureen and the Team….X

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and memories and all about passed ‘Souls’ and their spirits and the coincidences.. and so on.. It’s all so true, because ever since I lost my oldest son ‘B’ 9n 2008, throughout and up until now I have been experiencing his presence in many ways and during # of occasions in the form of a Loving ‘Spirit’, powerful ‘Energy’ and a special ‘Light’ around me and with me…especially, as you have mentioned, mostly during the festivity time and more over during the time of all the special occasions and events, (the mile Stone ones), in order to make us to feel and sense that they, the loved ones are there with us and leading us forward, hand in hand.. There is no doubt about it… Thank you again for your support, thoughts, guidance and love rendered throughout.
    At this point of time I am making use of this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year, 2018!!!!! Looking forward to receive your next post in the near future…

    1. Dear Viji,

      How lovely that you are still aware of the presence of your son which must be a great comfort to you and also to others reading your lovely reply.

      Wishing you and yours a fabulous 2018 and may your dreams become real in every way,

      Donna Xx

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